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we recommend you to bookmark (Press Ctrl + D) our page so you will daily get the free desired gift from here.
we recommend you to bookmark (Press Ctrl + D) our page so you will daily get the free desired gift from here.
Possible Prizes:
1 [+5] Medium Energy Potion 1 [+3] Small Energy Potion Up to four +1 Energy Potions | 3 Alchemist Powders 1 Gold Brick 1 Massive Moose 2 Stone Blocks 2 Wood Planks 1 Zebra | 1 Exploration Crystal Up to 3 Crystal Shards |
Which will you choose?
Thy Castleville Daily Rewards can only be claimed once every 24 hours.
Thy Castleville Daily Rewards can only be claimed once every 24 hours.