Castleville: Request Items, Claim Items, and Posting Rewards to Facebook.
[Most gift links can be claimed only once by 5 people or they will expire in 3 days.]
Updated with new items and sorted tables alphabetically.
Publishing and Collection: Amount and Time limits
Collecting items and rewards for Castleville can be a tedious task. Your Facebook news feed might be inundated with Castleville Rewards and Requests from friends and family. As you click through each post to collect rewards or to respond to item requests, you may notice the dreadful “You’ve reached the collection limit for now!” message. Even when you are playing the game, there will be times when you need to request an item or share rewards for completing a task. I will try to explain the limiting factors for both requesting items and claiming gift rewards.
First, we shall go over the requesting aspect. You may need an item for crafting or for a quest or to build or you may need some friends to help by becoming a crew member or to visit your kingdom. This action is referred to as publishing or posting a request. When you post a request or reward, they can be claimed 1 time by 5 different people and will normally expire after 3 days (unless otherwise noted). There are three main request types you can make: for Building, for Crafting, and for Quest Items. You can publish one of each request type per friend every 3 - 6 hours (as noted in the tables below).
Request for Quest Items |
Next, we have the simple part, claiming and collecting gifts, rewards, and materials. This part is the easy part, but it can be a hassle when you have reached the game’s limitation for requesting or collecting. Collecting or claiming rewards is as easy as clicking on your Facebook news feeds or Accepting requests in the game's message box. Another thing to take note is that when you “Send a gift back”, you are sending 5 coins back which can then be ‘sent back and forth’ up to ten times.
For example, when you run out of energy in the game and you have no consumables left, you can “Ask” your friends for an energy potion. For this feature, you can publish one request for an Energy Potion (1 energy) every 8 hours. In turn, you can respond to 3 friends’ requests that were generated this way every 18 hours. You can also give and receive energy potions by visiting and helping neighbors at a rate of 10 every 18 hours. You can also publish a reward of energy as thanks to your crew members.
The same applies for Crystal shards needed for crafting Exploration Crystals. If you have less than the required 3 crystal shards for crafting, you can make a request for 1 shard every 8 hours and you can claim 10 of these shards every 18 hours.
However, when you request a shard for Exploring the Gloom (in the explore menu) because you do not have enough Crystals, this action doesn’t have any limitations per se and the reward expires in 7 days instead of the usual 3 days. This request is posted to your wall for friends to respond to, but you can only do this action once every 18 hours?
You can also “share rewards” by publishing them to your wall once a task is completed. You can share Crystal Shards for: finding a NPC [Non Playable Character] in the gloom, renaming your kingdom, and expanding into the gloom. These kinds of rewards in the news feed can be collected at a rate of 10 every 18 hours. That is, except for the reward for expanding into the gloom which can only be claimed 1 every 18 hours. Also, Crystal Shard Rewards posted for completing a quest can be collected at a rate of 5 every 18 hours.
So now we can put this information into a table for quick reference like this:
Energy_Potion_1 | Request: 1 | 8 | Out of Energy Pop-up |
Claim: 3 | 18 | ||
Claim: 10 | 18 | Complete a visit to a neighbor | |
Publish: 1 | 8 | As a Thanks to Your Crew Limited by amount of Neighbors | |
Claim: 1 | 0 | ||
Crystal Shard | Request: 1 | 8 | Request for Crafting, Reward for renaming Kingdom and finding NPC |
Claim: 10 | 18 | ||
Claim: 1 | 18 | Reward for Expanding into the Gloom | |
Claim: 5 | 18 | Reward for Completing Quests |
Next, we review the rewards published when building, staffing, and Leveling up a Royal Building. There are four stages that you can share rewards for: 1) Placing the Foundation - 100 Coins Reward, 2) Constructing the Building - 100 Coins Reward, 3) Fully Staffing with a Crew - 1 Reputation Reward, and 4) Level-Up Building - 100 Coins Reward. The only limitation here is the ‘Fully Staffed’ Reward of 1 Reputation which can be claimed 10 times per 18 hours. Also, the ‘Placing the Foundation’ Reward expires after 7 days instead of 3 days and the ‘Fully Staffed” Reward gifts you back initially with a Brick instead of the usual 5 coins.
100 Coins (Reward) | - | - | Placing Foundation of Royal Building; Expires: 7 Days |
- | - | Constructing the Building | |
- | - | Leveling Up the Building | |
Reputation | Claim: 10 | 18 hours | Crew Fully Staffed; 1st Giftback: Brick |
Some Rewards that you can share are available as soon as you complete a certain remedial task early in the game. For starters, Leveling up will let you publish a Reward for 50 Coins; you can claim these types of rewards in your feed at a rate of 10 every 8 hours. They also have a 10 Claimant limit unlike the usual 5 claimants. A simple quest reward of 50 Coins can be claimed 8 times per 18 hours. Specific quests will give you these rewards: 1) “Tending Sheep” gives a Wool Thread Reward can be claimed once every 8 hours; 2) “Unwither a Crop” in a neighbor’s Kingdom gives a Fertilizer Reward which can be claimed once every 8 hours; 3) “Fishing a Boot” and “Fighting a Dummy” in a Neighbors Kingdom will allow you to share a Reputation Reward of which this type of reward can be claimed 10 times every 18 hours in your feeds.
50 Coins | Claim: 10 | 8 hours | Reward for Leveling Up; Limit: 10 Claimants |
50 Coins | Claim: 8 | 18 hours | Reward for completing quest |
Wool Thread | Claim: 1 | 8 hours | Reward for ‘Tending Sheep’ |
Fertilizer | Claim: 1 | 8 hours | ‘Unwither a Crop’ in a Neighbor’s Kingdom |
Reputation | Claim: 10 | 18 hours | Neighbor Reward: ‘Fish a Boot’ & ‘Fight a Dummy’ |
The next batch of item limits are materials that you may need for crafting or building. This table will also include any items or materials that are needed to finish most quests. Just remember that ‘Request’ is what you ‘Ask Friends” for and the timespan in hours until you can request that item again. And ‘Claim’ is how many times you can collect the same rewards from friends and the time limit in hours that you can claim those items again. To keep the table short, I’ve included groups of items with their respective request and claim limits (Limits for EACH individual item).
All Purpose Polish, Apple Slices, Bellows, Bells, Berries, Charm Bracelet, Chicken Feed, Chisel, Cloves, Coal, Coat of Arms, Copper Tube, Diary Page, Dragon's Breath, Dragon Scales, Eye of Newt, Fairy Dust, Fairy Wings, Fine Wire, Flask, Fly Swatter, Garlic, Golden Horn, Holiday Wreath, Iron Ore, Lamp Oil, Lens, Long Bow, Love Letter, Magnifying Glass, Map Piece, Moldy Cheese, Mystery Meat, Oven Mitt, Philosopher Stone, Regal Hoe, Rolling Pin, Royal Jewels, Sand, Scrub Brush, Sheet Music, Silver Bells, Snow Shoes, Snowy Treat, Spices, Sprinkles, Spyglass, Stick of Butter, Swamp Gas, Swamp Boots, Traveler's Pouch, Wanted Poster, Wash Basin, Whetstone, Wind-Up Key, Wolf Pelt, Yulefest Cake, Yellow Feather, Yummhee Yeast | Claim: 4 | 18 | Core NPC and Quest Feeds |
Request: 1 | 6 | ||
Blueprint, Bow Tie, Chalk, Cookies, Crucible, Hair Brush, Hair Comb, Love Cherries, Quill, Unicorn Sparkle | Claim: 4 | 18 | Core NPC and Quest Feeds |
Request: 1 | 3 | ||
Clothespin, Red Feather | Claim: 5 | 18 | Core NPC and Quest Feeds |
Request: 1 | 6 | ||
100 Coins | Claim: 4 | 18 | Party Announcement |
Request: 1 | 6 | ||
Reputation | Claim: 4 | 18 | Party Invite |
Request: 1 | 6 | ||
1XP | Claim: 4 | 18 | Party End |
Request: 1 | 6 |
This last table summarizes the claim limits of Shared Quest Rewards. For each Quest completed, there are Rewards which you can share to you friends via your Facebook news feed. Just remember that ‘Request’ is what you ‘Ask Friends” for and the timespan in hours until you can request that item again. And ‘Claim’ is how many times you can collect the same rewards from friends and the time limit in hours that you can claim those items again. To keep the table short, I’ve included groups of items with their respective request and claim limits (Limits for EACH individual item).
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3 xp, Alchemist Powder, Aquamarine, Barrel, Bass, Beeswax, Berries, Blue Feather, Bubbly Grog, Carrots, Chili Peppers, Cocoa, Cotton, Cow Hide, Crystal Shard, Eggs, Energy1, Flax, Flower Box, Fly Swatter, Gold Brick, Grapes, Honey, Iron Ore, Milk Bottle, Mystery Meat, Ogres Belch, Pail of Water, Purity Talisman, Red Feather, Red Tulip, Regal Hoe, Reputation, Royal Jewels, Rubble Wall, Sand, Silver Ore, Spy Glass, Stones, Tomato, Wolf Hair, Wood Log | Claim: 5 | 18 | Completed Quest Shared Rewards |
250 Coins, Chicken, Dirt Courtyard, Farm Plot, Parchment, Rock, Rope, Sheep, Shovel, Wood Club, Wool Cloth | Claim: 3 | 18 | Same as above |
Energy Potion_3, Iron Pick | Claim: 2 | 18 | Same as above |
Candle, Diamond, Pig | Claim: 1 | 18 | Same as above |
Energy Potion_1 | Claim: 2 | 18 | Cooking Mastery Level 1 |
3 XP | Claim: 5 | 18 | Cooking Mastery Level 2 |
250 Coins | Claim: 3 | 18 | Cooking Mastery Level 3 |
Energy Potion_1 | Claim: 2 | 18 | Forging Mastery Level 1 |
3 XP | Claim: 5 | 18 | Forging Mastery Level 2 |
250 Coins | Claim: 3 | 18 | Forging Mastery Level 3 |
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